Nā wai ēnei?
(Who do these belong to?)

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Why are Tangaroa and his tamariki feeling angry and upset? The ocean is filling up with rubbish – but who can help?

Listen to an excerpt from the song

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This book illustrates the problem of the rubbish in our oceans, and how it affects the sea creatures. It’s the first of two books about caring for the environment.


  • Repetitive sentence structure: “Nā wai ēnei?” (Who do these belong to?)
  • Vocabulary for the names of sea creatures
  • Singalong CD or audio download which turns the book into a beautiful song
  • English translation
  • List of activity ideas to make this much more than a fun book to do on the mat!
  • Diagram explaining how rubbish reaches the ocean
  • Guitar chords

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