Taihoa, e hoa!
(Wait, my friend!)

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Just because we don’t need something any more, doesn’t mean it’s rubbish! Find out how easy it is to reduce our landfill rubbish by reusing, repurposing and recycling what we think of as “rubbish”.

Listen to an excerpt from the song

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This book encourages children, teachers and parents to find new ways to reduce the amount of rubbish we are sending to the landfill. It’s the second of two books about caring for the environment.


  • Repetitive sentence structure: “Whakaaro anō.” (Think again.)
  • Vocabulary for the ways we can reuse, repurpose and recycle items all around us.
  • Singalong CD or audio download which turns the book into a beautiful song
  • English translation
  • Waste hierarchy diagram
  • Guitar chords

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