Daily Teaching Planner
For ECE teachers
New planner for 2024 available now!

Nā wai ēnei?
Who do these belong to?
Why are Tangaroa and his tamariki feeling angry and upset? The ocean is filling up with rubbish – but who can help?

Taihoa e hoa!
Wait, my friend!
Just because we don’t need something any more, doesn’t mean it’s rubbish! Find out how easy it is to reduce our landfill rubbish by reusing, repurposing and recycling what we think of as “rubbish”.

Te Reo Singalong
School Subscription
Monthly online content to support and extend each Te Reo Singalong book.

Download and listen to the music for free!
All songs available for free on Soundcloud, Spotify and Apple Music.

School Subscription
Access to all our te reo Māori teaching resources for your school in one place.

Listen to and/or download all our music for free on SOUNDCLOUD and other music streaming channels.

Our products provide a fun and easy way to teach and learn te reo Māori. View our full catalogue here.

NZSL Videos
Watch some free videos of our books in New Zealand Sign Language. Funding from the NZ Sign Language Board made this project possible.

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Māori Language
Award winner in
the Print category
CLNZ Educational
Publishing Awards
Best Resource in
Te Reo Māori
CLNZ Educational
Publishing Awards
Teachers’ Choice

Thanks for presenting a wonderful show, it benefitted not only our tamariki but inspired our kaiako to use easily available resources to help make books come alive.

We at Korukidz absolutely loved the show, the children were so attentive and engaged and its very rare in fact unheard of for all our children to sit that long, no one moved, other than to join in!

Being a Canadian from Ukraine who has lived on reservations, I know about the loss of language on many levels. Your te reo workshop gave me understanding of the break down of Māori words. It has given me a new passion to get out of my rut and go further. I now believe there is hope for me to learn te reo.”
Star Rowe, teacher

Sharon’s te reo workshop was just the kick-start we needed to begin to include te reo songs into our music and playgroup sessions. Her simple guide to pronunciation and her passion for te reo resulted in us buying two of her singalong books and begin using them the very next day! The children (and their parents!) love them. Thank you Sharon for increasing our confidence in speaking and sharing te reo with the next generation. Kia Kaha.”
Alison Carroll

I thoroughly enjoyed a Sharon Holt workshop I went to recently! She broke down how to pronounce Māori words, and we did some sentence practice in groups and had fun dancing and doing actions to Sharon’s awesome books! I feel more confident to just do it – to speak te reo Māori and to weave it into everyday speaking at the early childhood centre I work at.”
Debbie Garside, teacher

I absolutely love and adore Sharon Holt’s beautiful Te Reo Singalong books, and so do the children. They have been the only books, that I have read, that truly capture every single child’s attention. The illustrations, singing and music are just amazing and they truly are a treasured resource in our centre and at home. Thank you Sharon!"
Nicola Donaldson, teacher

Te Reo Singalong books have been an amazing support within our centre. They have helped to break the barrier of not feeling confident to kōrero Māori. Our tamariki love the songs and stories and often ask for them by name. These books have helped us to unpack many subjects, especially around Christmas, Matariki, animals and insects. The catchy tunes have helped us as kaiako and our tamariki to remember and share in te reo Māori. Thank you Sharon for all the amazing books. We always await the next one."
Grace Williams, early childhood educator

Māori resources that work and are actually used are something that teachers are always looking for, and I think that these are the best!"
Lindsay Ray, teacher and mum

We absolutely love the Te Reo Singalong Books that Sharon has created and are extremely fortunate to have such a fantastic resource in our school. We have been working hard to develop our te reo programmes at our school. We have found that we can use Sharon’s books to support teaching and learning and provide an exciting way for students to engage in learning the language."
Jade Butler, Hinuera School

I’ve been learning the Māori language for years. I was very slow and it was hard to keep myself motivated. Te Reo Singalong is exactly what I needed. It’s easy and enjoyable. I appreciate the high-quality music as well as the books. Words, music and the music arrangement are all well-considered. It’s not only for kids but also for adult learners like me!"
Michiko Ohsaku, book translator, Tokyo, Japan

I actually love them all these books, as they capture different elements that tamariki and kaiako can relate to. The children in my centre get so much enjoyment from these books and love to sing along. We get so excited when we know a new one is on the way! It has also helped me move ahead on my te reo journey. Keep the books coming."
Amina Ahmad, ece teacher

These books are extraordinary! The kids love the rhythm, the repetitiveness of the text and the way the books relate to their experiences. Just amazing!"
Trish Horrobin, special needs teacher

These books are much loved by the kids, and are a valuable part of our commitment to honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi here at Playcentre."
Stacey Burnell, Ellerslie Playcentre

Our centre LOVES your books so much. I even go home singing Me Haere! They are very catchy tunes."
Catherine Fenwick, teacher

As a pakeha teacher in a Rotorua kindergarten that has a high percentage of Māori tamariki, I find Sharon’s Te Reo Singalong books to be an effective teaching aid. The waiata have catchy tunes that our tamariki enjoy singing along too and the repetitive sentence structure supports my learning in developing my te reo. We use these books during group mat times or tamariki listen to them individually on the couch. The books are a great investment for any early childhood service or primary school."
Nikki, kindergarten teacher

I love reading the Te Reo Singalong books in the centre I work in. The first few books really hooked myself and the children when we listened to them on the stereo. I was able to learn some basic te reo words and sentences, which helped strengthen my teaching. I was also able to communicate more with Māori children and their whānau in their own language. I am currently saving up to buy the books for myself so I have my own set. I can’t wait to see what the next book is about."
Anneka Barritt

As an educator and mother I cannot recommend Sharon Holt’s Te Reo Singalong books enough! They are beautifully illustrated, catchy and the best way for children and teachers alike to have fun whilst learning and implementing te reo in centres around Aotearoa. We are thoroughly enjoying the latest releases and can’t wait to see what will be coming next!"
Samantha Freeth, Whitianga

Your books are truly loved here and used in planning te reo as part of our everyday curriculum. We also love the way they are related to everything we practise in early childhood – animals, insects, dressing up, weather. They are awesome!"
Jennie Leah, early childhood teacher

Thank you for your fabulous books. Our early childhood centre has all of them and the children just love them. I love that they are so easy to translate and explain to the children with beautiful art, catchy tunes and important concepts such as Matariki and Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Keep up the great work!"
Lisa Davey, teacher in training

Te Reo Singalong books are a fantastic resource for a basic te reo Māori learner and advocate. I am very passionate about revitalising the language and these books create ways to use reo in the everyday activities and conversations we do as teachers and as families in New Zealand."
Halena Huriwai, teacher

I just wanted to tell you I love your books! Our tamariki really love them too. Please keep bringing more out!"
Zara Pearcy, Montessori teacher

Te Reo Singalong Books are a delightful series of educational books. They are beautiful books with supporting follow up ideas and singalong CD. These are sure favourites to be read again and again, providing an everyday fun way to learn te reo Māori."
Viv Tumaru

As an early childhood teacher and mum, I absolutely love Sharon’s Te Reo Singalong books. The repetitive story lines make learning easy and fun for both tamariki and staff. The additional ideas for using the sentence structures (and links to curriculum documents in the newer books) are fantastic. I love them all!"
Cindy Hawkins, early childhood teacher

We have just purchased 4 of these amazing books and are slowly adding to our collection each month. Our tamariki love putting on the CDs themselves then getting themselves and their friends set up on the chairs waiting for the CD to start. They work together collectively to turn the page and listen. We absolutely love the CD and books here."
Harakeke Early Learning Centre

Thank you so much for your amazing books. When the children choose books for me to put on the cd player, they choose your books the most. Many of the mums are surprised their children have learned so much te reo, which comes primarily from your books. I love reading them and building on the stories. Thank you for making te reo so accessible!"
Louise Allen, home based educator

Thanks for making my lessons fun and easy to plan for! I teach through your books and love your kaupapa."
Andrea Gordine, Mata Ako